
Elevator & Escalator Safety Tips

The safety of the elevators and escalators has improved a lot over the last few decades. Despite all of this advancement, In the United States, for example, more than 17,000 people are seriously injured in escalator & elevator incidents every year! However, the majority of these incidents can be prevented by following basic elevator & escalator safety tips. So if you are also someone who uses an escalator or an elevator on a daily basis, keep on reading to discover how you improve your safety!

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Safety Tips for Elevators

The following are some practical elevator safety tips that can help prevent accidents & make the use of elevators a lot safer for everyone:

While Waiting For Elevators

1. Wait For the Elevator to Arrive Completely
You have pressed the call button to your floor & see the elevator arrive. Now, a common thing many people do is to immediately rush in before the doors are open completely!
To ensure your safety & those in the elevator, please wait for the elevator to arrive fully and the doors to open completely.

 2. Avoid Crowding
The elevator arrives on your floor and you see a lot of people inside it… What’s the first thought that comes to mind? Try to get in somehow? Please don’t!
If the elevator is already crowded, please do not enter the elevator car. It is best to wait for the next one to get on board.
Even if the elevator’s weight limit is really high, it is best to avoid crowded ones as it can cause a feeling of suffocation & discomfort.

When Entering & Exiting the Elevator

1. Be Attentive 
Whenever you are entering or exiting the elevator, always keep your face forward to avoid accidents. Also, avoid using your smartphone or any other electronic device as they can distract you from entering & exiting safely.
Another important thing to remember as you enter or exit the elevator is to keep your belongings close to you. It is common for handbags, clothes, & other items to get stuck as the elevator’s door closes.
2. Protect Pets
If you are waiting to enter the elevator with a pet, you must be extra attentive to ensure the safety of everyone. Remember to keep the pet’s leashes and other belongings away from the elevator door.
The best course of action is to keep the pet’s leash as close to you as possible and always get to the other side of the elevator car (away from the door.)
3. Protect Children
Children should be educated about elevator safety such as staying away from doors, not playing with the buttons, and so on.
Data shows that roughly 90% of all the incidents related to elevators involve children and the elderly. So if you are with a child when using an elevator, always stay attentive and keep them close to you.  Also, ensure to properly educate the children on how to enter/exit the elevator safely & securely.
4. Let Others Exit First
“Let others exit first” is a rule that applies in every situation: Whether you are in the elevator or waiting to enter one! You should only enter the elevator once all the people inside have exited.
Similarly, allow the people in front of you to exit the elevator before moving to avoid any incidents. At best, it would only take a few seconds of your time but this little action can enhance the safety of everyone around you including yourself!

When Riding the Elevator

1. Check Max. Weight Limit
The average weight limit capacity of elevators ranges between 1000 – 3000 KG. However, it usually varies depending on the building and how many people are expected to use it at once.
Whenever you are using an elevator, always check the maximum weight capacity as it is a crucial factor for safety. By being mindful of the number of people and any heavy objects being transported, you can ensure your safety.
Whenever you are in doubt, it is best to just wait for the next one to arrive.

2. Use Handrails
If the handrails are available in the elevator car, you should use them to steady yourself during the entry and exit. The use of handrails can also provide additional support if you are carrying items or the elevator is a little crowded.

Emergency Situations: What to Do

1. Be Calm & Don’t Try Dangerous Actions
In the unfortunate event of an elevator emergency, the first thing to do is “Do Not Panic!” To give you some perspective, there’s enough oxygen in elevators to last 33.5 hours.
If you have watched a lot of movies & TV series, you may also get the urge to climb out of a stalled elevator in emergency situations. It may look good on the TV but it is a very dangerous act & thus shouldn’t be attempted.
So, what you should do in the event of an elevator emergency? Locate the alarm or help button on the panel to get help or call for assistance.
The best course of action in emergency situations is to wait calmly until qualified help arrives to solve the issue.

2. If the Elevator Moves Rapidly Downward
If you feel the elevator is moving downward quickly, quickly press the buttons for all floors and hold onto one of the handrails on the side with your back against the wall to help absorb the impact.

3. In Case of Fire
Never use an elevator if you notice any fire or smoke coming out of it. The best course of action is to use the nearest stairway or exit to safely evacuate the building.
If you are inside an elevator and notice any fire and smoke, press the alarm button or call for assistance. If a fire Extinguisher is located in the elevator car, you should use it while waiting for help.

Safety Tips for Escalators

Now, let’s jump into practical safety tips to remember when using an escalator:

When Riding an Escalator

 1. Check the Direction
Always check the direction of the escalator when stepping foot on it… Trying to walk up or down an escalator that is going in the opposite direction can cause injury or even more serious consequences.
Normally, these things only happen when someone is using their mobile phone, talking with someone, or any other distraction. By being alert and aware, you can always make sure that you are stepping on the right escalator.

2. Hold the Handrails
The handrails are there for a reason & should always be used to ensure your safety.  Handrails provide balance and enhance stability which helps to prevent falls when riding an escalator.
Especially if the escalator stops suddenly for some reason, holding the handrail can help you keep your footing.
And if you are carrying something in both of your hands, make one of your hands free to hold the handrails.

3. Stay Away From Edges
Always try to stay in the center when on an escalator to improve balance and stability. Being close to the edges of the escalator increases the chances of clothing, shoes, & other items getting stuck.
Also, keeping your feet away from the edges minimizes any injury arising from the entrapment of clothes, shoes, & other items.

4. Secure Loose Clothing
It is common for shoelaces, scarves, & any article of loose clothing to get caught in the moving parts of the escalator. So before stepping on the escalator, always make sure that any loose clothing or similar item is securely fastened.
One of the most common reasons for injuries related to escalators is the loose clothing getting caught in the escalator. So before you step on that escalator to move up or down, take a moment to secure these items.
5. Do Not Use Strollers and Carts
Strollers, cars, or anything with wheels shouldn’t be used on the escalators, PERIOD! The use of any wheeled items can pose a significant safety risk for you and anyone else using the escalators.
Instead, use an elevator or moving walkways (Belt Type Escalator) which doesn’t have any stairs for transporting strollers and cards.
Any attempts to place or maneuver the strollers or carts on the escalators can lead to falling, tipping, getting stuck, or any similar serious injury.

6. Mind Small Children
A child can lose their balance or get distracted while on an escalator which increases the risk of accidents.
Also, children may not be able to coordinate on placing their feet on the moving escalator. So, it is always best to hold the hands of the children and supervise them while on an escalator.

Entering and Exiting the Escalator

1. Step Carefully
Watch your step when stepping on and off the escalator and avoid any distractions as it can lead to tripping, losing balance, and injury.
When you are stepping on the escalator, always look down and make sure that your feet are placed firmly & squarely.
Similarly, also time your step when exiting the escalator to ensure a smooth & safe transition onto the floor.

2. Exit Immediately
As soon as you reach the end of the escalator, exit immediately to keep the flow of people moving smoothly.
Trying to hold on to the escalators or lingering at the end points can cause congestion and increase the risk of accidents.
It is very important to keep the exit areas clean to foster

How Businesses Can Promote Elevator & Escalator Safety?

The basis of safety for the end customers of elevators and escalators starts with how the system is built in the first place.
Businesses that rely on cheap & low-end elevators & escalators may save money in the start but it invites a series of serious safety & health concerns for the end users!
So, one of the best ways to ensure 100% safety of the users is to always buy elevators & escalators from a reliable company.

مصعد دازن is a leader in the industry which provides all types of elevators, escalators and high-quality parts.
ملكنا elevators and escalators are EN81-20 certified, and major parts such as motors, controllers, doors, wire ropes, safety clips, and speed governors are EN81-50 certified.
The best part about choosing Dazen Elevators for your elevator/escalator system is that you get competitive prices without any compromise on quality.
So, whether you need elevator safety devices or a brand-new elevator and escalator for your premises, contact our expert team today.

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Hey, I am David - Sales Director of Dazen Elevator. We are a full solution provider of elevators and escalators in China. Reach me at info@dazenelevator.com to get a free quote for your project.

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