
مصعد زجاجي دائري

Dazen, as one of the professional elevator suppliers in China, is dedicated to the production and installation of round and semi-round home elevators. With a wealth of leading technology and experience, we offer high-quality solutions and customized services to customers worldwide.

Our round glass elevator adopts humanized design, can be perfectly integrated with the building, applicable to villas, commercial and other installation places.

Given the unique dimensions of a round glass elevator, please contact our experts for quote!

Round Residential Glass Elevator​

Round Glass Elevator For Commercial

Dazen round glass elevators are made of modern new materials and processing technology, with outstanding performance in terms of running quality, safety features, car shape design, energy saving and consumption reduction. This series of products can be used in business hotels, office buildings, airports, stations and other public transportation places where sightseeing is required.

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اطلب اقتباس الآن

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