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Types of Elevators

Tipos de Ascensores | Lo que necesitas saber

Ever wonder about all the different types of elevators you could use in your building? How about how they differ and how each can carry the maximum number of people? Well, If you are interested in this. Then this article will tell you all you need to

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List: Top 10 China Elevator Manufacturers in 2024

When you are shopping for elevator equipment, choosing a China elevator equipment manufacturer is probably a difficult decision. It is because modern elevators have to match the quality assurance requirement of this industry. Keeping this in mind, here we talk about 10 China elevator manufacturers in 2022 whose products

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Types of Escalators: What You Need to Know

Tipos de escaleras mecánicas: lo que necesita saber

Escalators are fixed electrically powered devices with circular running steps for transporting passengers on an upward or downward incline. At present, escalators are one of the construction equipment needed in many buildings, and nowadays, escalators are certainly one of the essential equipment for the continuous

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Hospital Elevator

¿Cuál es el mejor ascensor para el hospital?

Los ascensores han sido parte de los hospitales durante muchos años y su uso ha aumentado recientemente. Se utilizan para diferentes propósitos, como llevar pacientes de un piso a otro o transportar equipos médicos. Entonces, ¿qué ascensor es el mejor para un hospital?

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How to Choose a Panoramic Elevator?

¿Cómo elegir un ascensor panorámico?

Los ascensores panorámicos son un nuevo desarrollo en ascensores que permiten al pasajero experimentar vistas de 360 grados de la ciudad. En este artículo, aprenderá qué implica elegir un ascensor panorámico y en qué se diferencia en diseño de los ascensores normales.

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Advantages of Passenger Elevators

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de los ascensores de pasajeros?

For some high-rise residential or office buildings, Passenger elevators are very important. Therefore, how to choose the right elevator brand has become the focus of everyone’s attention. A good brand is always popular with the public, which is inseparable from its own merits. Next, let’s

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glass elevator

¿Son seguros los ascensores de cristal?

From the moment you first see one, you’re likely wondering if glass elevators are really safe. After all, they seem like a very fragile construction – could something go wrong and cause serious injury or death? In this article, we’ll take a look at the

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moving walkway escalator

¿Qué es la escalera mecánica con pasarela móvil?

Moving walkway escalators are a popular addition to shopping centers, office buildings, and other places where people need to move quickly between floors. They’re also becoming increasingly common in airports, as passengers need to get from one terminal to another. What is a moving walkway

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