Дазен Лифт

7 вещей, которые нужно знать о жилом лифте


Вы немного утомлены вопросами о жилые лифты? Every contractor and salesperson has pitched their own set of questions for you. It’s important to be prepared for your first elevator ride with this list of FAQs.

1. Can a Residential Elevator Go Outdoors?

Many people commonly associate the word “elevator” with high-rise office buildings and shopping malls, but the residential elevator is an excellent home addition for those looking to get around more easily in a multilevel home. A residential elevator can be installed in a new or existing home and is available in a variety of styles, finishes, and sizes.

The question that homeowners most frequently ask about residential elevators is whether they can be installed outdoors. Fortunately, the answer is yes! The increasing popularity of outdoor living spaces has prompted many homeowners to install an outdoor residential elevator that allows them easy access to decks, pools, garages, patios, or other areas on various levels of their property. Many homeowners who have elevated properties or live on a steep hill choose to install an outdoor elevator that goes from the ground floor up to their home’s entryway.

outdoor home elevator

outdoor home elevator

2. What are The Different Types of Residential Elevators?

There are a lot of different types of residential elevators out there. Today, let’s take a look at some of the common features and highlight what each elevator can do for you.

1) The Hydraulic Elevator

This is the most common type of residential elevator. It has a hydraulic cylinder that lifts and lowers the elevator car through a system of pulleys and cables attached to the top of the car. They are often used in homes with limited space since they don’t require a machine room. Because they use hydraulic pressure, they are also very reliable and smooth to operate.

2) The Traction Elevator

Traction elevators are powered by electric motors and use sheaves, or pulley wheels, to move up and down along steel ropes. They are much faster than hydraulic elevators and also don’t require a machine room, so they’re ideal for high-rise buildings or small homes where space is limited. But because they rely on electricity rather than hydraulics, traction elevators have more moving parts that could potentially break down over time.

Home lift/Elevator For Abuja, Nigeria

3) Screw Driven Elevator

The principle of a screw driven home elevator is that the car or platform is connected to the nut driven by the motor, and the nut rotates through the screw. When the motor rotates in one direction, the nut drives the platform or car upward, and when the motor rotates in the other direction, the nut drives the platform or car downward. Special screw oil is required for lubrication during the entire driving process.

The advantage of screw home elevator is that it is easy to install, requires no machine room or pit, and maximizes building space efficiency.

3. What is The Size of The Residential Elevator?

Размер жилой лифт зависит от свободного места в вашем доме. Существуют разные типы лифтов для разных нужд, но есть некоторые общие рекомендации, применимые ко всем из них. Размеры лифтов сильно различаются, но большинство из них относятся к следующим категориям:

 Маленький: эти лифты имеют вертикальный подъем менее 10 футов. Они варьируются от 36 до 48 квадратных дюймов. Они могут располагаться где угодно внутри или снаружи дома.

 Средний: Лифты среднего размера имеют высоту подъема по вертикали от 12 до 14 футов. Они варьируются от 54 до 60 квадратных дюймов. Они могут располагаться как внутри, так и снаружи дома.

 Большой: большие лифты имеют вертикальный подъем от 20 до 22 футов. Они варьируются от 72 до 84 квадратных дюймов. Большая модель может не поместиться в вашем доме, в зависимости от размеров вашего дома и того, сколько места вы хотите отвести под шахту лифта.

4. What Does a Residential Elevator Cost?

It’s not uncommon for homeowners to think that the addition of a residential elevator is out of their budget. However, most people are shocked to find out that installing an elevator can be as affordable as adding a bathroom. Elevators can add tremendous value to your home and, in many cases, pay for themselves.

While the cost of a residential elevator can vary depending on several factors, it is important to first determine how you expect your elevator to function. For example, the size and location of your home will impact how many stops you will need and where you will want them to be. In addition, the materials used in its construction can add to or reduce costs. A basic elevator will generally run anywhere between $9,000 and $40,000. However, if you choose to add custom features such as glass walls or doors, or perhaps a highly decorative interior, it could easily go over $100,000. The good news is that all elevators have a base price that includes most of the standard features. You can then customize the design and layout with upgrades that suit your individual needs and style preferences.

5. Where Should I Put My Residential Elevator?

Место, где вам следует разместить жилой лифт, зависит от некоторых довольно важных факторов, таких как:

- Сколько места вам нужно для работы?

-Какой тип лифта вы будете использовать?

-Есть ли у вас маленькие дети или домашние животные, у которых может возникнуть соблазн поиграть с лифтом?

-Какие ваши личные предпочтения?

You have the option of placing your residential elevator in any location that takes you to the various levels of your home, with the exception of exterior spaces. However, it’s also important to consider how much space you have available, and what will be most convenient for you. If you’re considering a lift-style elevator, you’ll need to make sure there’s enough room between the bottom of the elevator and any walkways below so that it doesn’t get in the way when it’s parked at the bottom floor. The size of your home and its layout will also affect how many different options you have for placement.

Лучше всего проконсультироваться со своим подрядчиком обо всех вариантах и определить, какой из них лучше всего подходит для вашего дома и образа жизни.

6. Do I Need to Buy a Separate Hoistway for My Residential Elevator?

The short answer is no. When it comes to residential elevators, the hoistway is already included—so you don’t have to buy a separate hoistway for your elevator. The hoistway is simply the shaft in which the elevator travels, and it’s built into every residential elevator model we offer.

What you might need to buy is a separate hoist machine room. The hoist machine room is where the motor and controller have located that power the movement of your elevator. In some cases, there will be enough space in your home for this without additional construction, but depending on the size of your home or any existing features or rooms you’re not willing to part with, an additional machine room might be necessary (there are also cases in which a homeowner just prefers to have it). We can work with you from the beginning of your project to determine whether you’ll need a separate host machine room, and if so, what size it will need to be and where it should go. If you’re hoping to avoid the extra expense of building a new room just for the machine, we may be able to offer some creative solutions that allow us to use existing space instead.

7. Do I Need a Permit to Install a Residential Elevator?

В большинстве случаев да. Точные требования различаются в зависимости от штата и даже города, но, как правило, вам необходимо получить разрешение, прежде чем приступить к работе. установить жилой лифт. Чтобы выяснить, каковы ваши местные требования, обратитесь в местный строительный отдел. Если вы живете в историческом доме или имеете ТСЖ, вам также могут потребоваться дополнительные правила.

Причины необходимости получения разрешений двояки: они помогают обеспечить правильную и безопасную установку вашего лифта, а также помогают гарантировать, что установка соответствует местным строительным нормам и правилам. Местные инспекторы несколько раз посетят объект в процессе установки, чтобы убедиться, что все выполнено в соответствии с нормами, а после завершения установки будет выдан сертификат проверки, подтверждающий успешное завершение процесса установки лифта.

If you are having trouble obtaining a permit for your elevator installation—or if you simply want someone else to handle the permitting process for you—your local dealer can probably help. While it’s tremendously helpful if someone with experience handles the paperwork, keep in mind that this type of service comes with an extra cost.

Как мы видим, жилой лифт может сэкономить много места в вашем доме. Если вы заинтересованы в этом, мы предлагаем вам проконсультироваться с опытным производителем лифтов или местной лифтовой компанией. Мы рады помочь вам и ответить на все ваши вопросы.

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dazen founder
Дэвид Лв

Hey, I am David - Sales Director of Dazen Elevator. We are a full solution provider of elevators and escalators in China. Reach me at info@dazenelevator.com to get a free quote for your project.

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