
Предусмотрены ли защитные меры для нижней и верхней частей лифта?


The bottom of the elevator lifts the car the elevator in the event of a failure of the control system. It will drive down beyond the first leveling floor until it stops at the buffer of the pit. The buffer is a protection device provided for this purpose. This protection device is composed of spring type and hydraulic type, depending on the speed of the elevator. When the car is lying on the buffer, it is called the bottom. At this moment, the buffer will relieve the impact force of the elevator car and will not cause serious injury to the passengers in the elevator.

What should I do in the car when the elevator is not operating properly?

When taking the elevator and found that the elevator has Overspeed or the speed of the ladder is slow, the red emergency stop button on the control panel should be pressed. The elevator will stop automatically and inform the elevator maintenance personnel in time.

What should I do if I find something smelly in the elevator car?

When it is found that there is an abnormal smell in the elevator car, the red emergency stop button on the control panel should be pressed to stop the elevator and timely notify the elevator maintenance personnel.

What should I do if I find that the elevator has abnormal vibration and scraping?

When you are in the elevator and you find that the elevator is experiencing abnormal vibration, vibration, or scratching, you should press the red emergency stop button on the control panel to stop the elevator and inform elevator maintenance personnel in time.

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dazen founder
Дэвид Лв

Hey, I am David - Sales Director of Dazen Elevator. We are a full solution provider of elevators and escalators in China. Reach me at info@dazenelevator.com to get a free quote for your project.

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